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Candra Ciputra

President Commissioner
Foto Dewan Komisaris PT Jaya Real Property, Tbk

Indonesian citizen, 59 years old. He earned his Bachelor of Finance from the University of San Francisco, USA in 1987 and Master of Business Administration from Golden Gate University, San Francisco, USA in 1988. 

Previously, he was the Director of PT Ciputra Residence in 1989-2015, Director of PT Ciputra Development, Tbk in 1990-2002, and Commissioner of PT Mitra Integrasi Informatika in 2007-2011.

Currently, he acts as President Commissioner of PT Jaya Real Property Tbk in accordance with Deed No.22 dated June 8, 2023. 

He is concurrently the President Director of PT Ciputra Development Tbk, Director of International City Holding Ltd., Singapore, President Commissioner of PT Mitra Integrasi Informatika, President Commissioner of PT Metrodata Electronics Tbk, President Director of PT Jaya Citra Hotel, President Commissioner of PT Ciputra Residence, President Commissioner of PT Pembangun Jaya, Commissioner of PT Damai Indah Golf Tbk, Commissioner of PT Jakarta Tollroad Development, President Commissioner of PT Jaya Gardenpolis, and President Commissioner of PT Jaya Land. 

He is affiliated with the controlling shareholders of the Company, PT Pembangunan Jaya for which he acts as President Commissioner.

Vivian Setjakusuma

Foto Dewan Komisaris PT Jaya Real Property, Tbk

Indonesian citizen, 54 years old. She earned her Bachelor of Chemical Engineering degree from Northwestern University, Illinois, USA in 1993, Certificate in Business Administration from University of California Berkeley - Extension, California (USA) in 1994 and Master of Science Engineering Economic Systems and Operations Research from Stanford University, California, USA in 2000.

Previously she acted as Management Associate at Citibank in 1995-1996, Assistant Manager of PT Seca Energy Cell in 1996-1998, Relationship & product manager of PT Citigroup Securities Indonesia in 2001-2003, Associate Director & Head of Marketing at PT Fortis lnvestment in 2003-2008, Vice President of PT Ciptadana Capital in 2009-2010, Director of PT BNP Paribas Investment Partners in 2020-2011, and President Director of PT BNP Paribas Asset Management in 2011-2019. 

Currently, she acts as Commissioner of PT Jaya Real Property Tbk based on Deed No.22 dated June 8, 2023.

She concurrently acts as Supervisory Board of the Indonesian Investment Advisory Association, Commissioner of PT Pembangunan Jaya, Commissioner of PT Jaya Land, Commissioner of PT Jakarta Tollroad Development, Commissioner of PT Jaya Gardenpolis, President Director of PT Emdeki Utama Tbk, Independent Commissioner of PT Sequis Life, and Commissioner of PT Bukit Semarang Jaya Metro. 

She is affiliated with the controlling shareholders of the Company, PT Pembangunan Jaya for which she acts as Commissioner.

Okky Dharmosetio

Independent Commissioner
Foto Dewan Komisaris PT Jaya Real Property, Tbk

Indonesian citizen, 67 years old. He earned a Bachelor of Civil Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology in 1980 and a Master of Business Administration from Syracuse University, New York, United States in 1986.

Previously, he had been assigned to the Contracting Department of PT Pembangunan Jaya in 1981-1982, various positions at PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama in 1982-1993, Head of the Business Development Department of PT Pembangunan Jaya in 1993-1994, Director of PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama in 1995-1996, Director of PT Jaya Trade Indonesia in 1996-2004, Commissioner of PT Jaya Trade Indonesia’s subsidiaries in 1997-2015, President Director of PT Jaya Trade Indonesia in 2004-2015, President Director of PT Jaya Teknik Indonesia in 2009-2011, President Director of PT Jaya Beton Indonesia in 2016-2023, and President Director of PT Jaya Teknik Indonesia in 2020-2023.

Currently, he serves as Independent Commissioner of PT Jaya Real Property Tbk based on Deed No.22 dated June 8, 2023.

He was first appointed as Independent Commissioner of the Company on June 8, 2023 through the Company’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.

He concurrently acts as the Chairman of the Audit Committee of PT Jaya Real Property Tbk.

He is not affiliated with other members of the Board of Commissioners, members of the Board of Directors, Controlling Shareholders, or Main Shareholders of the Company.

Trisna Muliadi

President Director
Foto Susunan Direksi PT Jaya Real Property, Tbk

Indonesian citizen, 63 years old. He graduated from the University of Texas, Arlington, USA, and earned his Bachelor of Business Administration from University of Oregon, USA in 1982 and Master of Business Administration from University of Oregon, USA in 1983.

Previously, he acted as Manager of PT Multicor in 1984-1987, Assistant Vice President Director of Bank of America in 1987-1989, President Director of Bank Arta Prima in 1989-1991, Finance Director of Kalbe Farma Group in 1991-1997, Director of PT Pembangunan Jaya in 1997-2004, Vice President Director of PT Jaya Real Property Tbk in 1998-1999, Commissioner of PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Tbk in 2004-2022, Director of PT Jakarta Tollroad Development in 2005-2020, President Director of PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama Tbk in 2007-2016, and President Commissioner of PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama Tbk in 2016-2022.

Currently, he acts as President Director of PT Jaya Real Property Tbk based on Deed No.22 dated June 8, 2023.

He concurrently acts as the President Director of PT Jaya Land, President Director of PT Jaya Gardenpolis, President Director of PT Sumber Jaya Kelola Indonesia, President Director of PT Pembangunan Jaya, President Commissioner of PT Jaya Sarana Pratama, and President Commissioner of PT Jakarta Tollroad Development.

He is affiliated with the Controlling Shareholders of the Company, PT Pembangunan Jaya for which he acts as President Director.

Yohannes Henky Wijaya

Vice President Director
Foto Susunan Direksi PT Jaya Real Property, Tbk

Indonesian citizen, 67 years old. earned his Bachelor of Civil Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology in 1981 and Cum Laude Master of Real Estate from PPM College of Management in 1997.

Previously, he acted as Director of PT Jaya Real Property Tbk in 1999-2009, Director of PT Jaya Land in 1999-2009, President Commissioner of PT Primainti Permata in 2019-2019, and Vice President Director of PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama Tbk in 2011-2016.

Currently, he acts as Vice President Director of PT Jaya Real Property Tbk based on Deed No.22 dated June 8, 2023.

He concurrently acts as Commissioner of PT Sumber Jaya Kelola Indonesia, Commissioner of PT Jaya Sarana Pratama,

Vice President Director of PT Jaya Land, Commissioner of PT Jaya Land’s subsidiaries, Director of PT Jaya Gardenpolis, Commissioner of PT Jaya Gardenpolis’ subsidiaries, Director of PT Pembangunan Jaya, Commissioner of PT Jaya Letris Properti, President Commissioner of PT Jaya Citra Hotel, Commissioner of PT Primainti Permata, Commissioner of PT Bukit Semarang Jaya Metro, and President Commissioner of PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama Tbk.

He is affiliated with the Controlling Shareholders of the Company, PT Pembangunan Jaya for which he acts as Director.

Ir. Sutopo Kristanto, MM.

Vice President Director
Foto Susunan Direksi PT Jaya Real Property, Tbk

Indonesian citizen, 69 years old. He earned his Bachelor of Civil Engineering degree from Surabaya Institute of Technology in 1980 and Master of Management degree from IBII Jakarta in 1999.

Previously, he held various positions at PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama in 1982-1999, Director of PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama in 1999-2004, Vice President Director of PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama in 2004, President Director of PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama in 2004-2007, Vice President Director of PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama Tbk in 2007-2016, and President Director of PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama Tbk in 2016-2021.

Currently, he acts as Vice President Director of PT Jaya Real Property Tbk based on Deed No.22 dated June 8, 2023.

He concurrently acts as Director of PT Pembangunan Jaya, Vice President Director of PT Jaya Land, Head of Internal

Audit Unit of PT Jaya Real Property Tbk, Director of PT Jaya Gardenpolis, Commissioner of PT Jaya Citra Hotel, President Director of PT Jakarta Tollroad Development.

He is affiliated with the Controlling Shareholders of the Company, PT Pembangunan Jaya for which he acts as Director.

Adi Wijaya

Foto Susunan Direksi PT Jaya Real Property, Tbk

Citizen, 60 years old. He earned his Bachelor of Economics degree from Krisnadwipayana University in 1988. Previously, he acted as General Manager of PT Jaya Real Property Tbk in 2010-2015, Director of PD Pasar Jaya in 2015-2018, Director of PT Jakarta Tollroad Development in 2018-2020, and Head of Directorate of PT Jaya Real Property Tbk in 2020-2021.

Currently, he acts as Director of PT Jaya Real Property Tbk based on Deed No.94 dated June 23, 2022.

He concurrently acts as Director of PT Jaya Land, Director of PT Jaya Gardenpolis President Commissioner of PT Jaya Mitra Sarana, President Director of PT Jaya Gardenpolis’ subsidiaries, and President Director of PT Sumber Jaya Kelola Indonesia.

He is not affiliated with other members of the Board of Directors, members of the Board of Commissioners, Controlling Shareholders, or Main Shareholders of the Company.

Dra. Swandayani

Foto Susunan Direksi PT Jaya Real Property, Tbk

Indonesian citizen, 59 years old. She earned her Bachelor of Economics degree from Parahyangan Catholic University in 1986 and Master of Business Administration from IMPM from 1988.

Previously, she held various positions at PT Jaya Real Property Tbk in 1997-2009, General Manager of PT Jaya Real Property Tbk in 2009-2011, Director of PT Jaya Real Property Tbk in 2011-2014, and Independent Director of PT Jaya Real Property Tbk in 2014-2020.

Currently, she acts as Director of PT Jaya Real Property Tbk based on Deed No.22 dated June 8, 2023.

She concurrently acts as Director of PT Jaya Land, Commissioner of PT Jaya Letris Properti, Commissioner of PT Jaya Citra Hotel, Commissioner of its subsidiary PT Jaya Gardenpolis, Director of PT Primainti Permata, and President Director of PT Bukit Semarang Jaya Metro.

She is not affiliated with other members of the Board of Directors, members of the Board of Commissioners, Controlling Shareholders, or Main Shareholders of the Company.

Okky Dharmosetio

Foto Komite Audit PT Jaya Real Property, Tbk

Indonesian Citizen, received his Civil Engineering Degree from Bandung Institute of Technology in 1980 and Master of Business Administration from Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, USA in 1986.

He was appointed as a Chairman of the Audit Committee pursuant to the Board of Commissioners decree No.001/JRP-KOM/CS/VI/2023 dated June 28, 2023. He had previously served in several Management Positions within PT Pembangunan Jaya and its subsidiaries.

Lien-Lien Anggrahini

Foto Komite Audit PT Jaya Real Property, Tbk

Indonesian citizen, 52 years old. Graduated from the University of Indonesia in 1997 with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics, majoring in Accounting.

She is a Registered Accountant and was appointed as a Member of the Audit Committee through the Decree of the Board of Commissioners No. 001/JRP-KOM/CS/XII/2024, dated December 31, 2024. She had previously served as Head of Human Resources and Finance Bureau at Pembangunan Jaya University.

Audi Lazaro

Foto Komite Audit PT Jaya Real Property, Tbk

Indonesian Citizen, received his Bachelor of Finance Degree from Santa Clara University, California, USA in 2014.

He was appointed as a Member of the Audit Committee pursuant to the Board of Commissioners decree No.001/JRP-KOM/CS/VI/2023 dated June 28, 2023. He had previously served as Head of Corporate Finance and Business Development at PT Pembangunan Jaya and Head of Financial Planning & Analysis at PT Moladin Digital Indonesia.

Ir. Sutopo Kristanto, MM.

Head of Internal Audit
Foto Tim Audit Internal PT Jaya Real Property, Tbk

Received his Civil Engineering degree from Institute of Technology Sepuluh November in 1980 and Master of Management from IBII Jakarta in 1999. He had previously served as Commissioner of PT Jaya Trade Indonesia, PT Jaya Beton Indonesia and PT Jaya Daido Indonesia in 2008-2011. Currently, He is appointed as Vice President Director of PT Jaya Real Property, Tbk. pursuant to Deed no. 60 dated 29 June 2020. He is also the Head of Internal Audit PT Jaya Real Property, Tbk. and as President Director of PT Jaya Konstruksi Manggala Pratama, Tbk.

Praditya Wibowo Supardi

Corporate Secretary
Foto Tim Corporate Secretary PT Jaya Real Property, Tbk

He received his Bachelor of Architecture from University of Indonesia in 2003 and Master of Management from Prasetiya Mulya University in 2005. He joined PT Jaya Real Property, Tbk. in 2005 as Business Development Officer. He was appointed as Internal Audit Manager in 2022. He is appointed as Corporate Secretary pursuant to Board of Directors’ Decree No. 1152/JRP/SDM/TGS/XI/2023. Currently, He also acts as Business Development Manager of PT Jaya Real Property, Tbk. 

Gambar Kerja Sama Perusahaan


Public Accounting Firm

Amir Abadi Jusuf, Aryanto,Mawar & Rekan RSM Indonesia

Plaza Asia Lantai 10
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 59
Jakarta - Indonesia

P : +62-21-5140 1340

F : +62-21-5140 1350

Share Registrar Company

PT Adimitra Jasa Korpora

Rukan Kirana Boutique Office
Jl. Kirana Avenue III
Blok F 3 No. 5
Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara

P : +62-21-2974 5222

F : +62-21-2928 9961


Notaris Aulia Taufani, S.H.

Menara Sudirman Lantai 17 D
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 60
Jakarta 12190

P : +62-21-520 4778

F : +62-21-520 4779 / 520 4780